چه ساده در ميان خنده هاي ديگران;با گريه هاي خود به دنيا مي آييم!
و اذان در گوشمان ميخوانند!
و چه ساده در ميان گريه هاي ديگران;از دنيا ميرويم!
و نماز برايمان ميخوانند!
و در اين ميان معمايي ميسازيم بنام"زندگي" آنهم چقدر كوتاه ...
به فاصله بين اذان تا نماز!!!
how simple is when we born with our cries between others laugh!
and saying prayers in your ears!
and how simple we pass away in others cries!
and saying prayers for us!
and between these two;we made a mystery by the name of "LIFE" which lasts for a very short period...
the period between saying prayers!!!